
2021年4月20日—Purpose.ThisscriptusesthePythonmodulespeedtest-clifortestinginternetbandwidth(Download/Upload/Ping)viaspeedtest.net.,2012年2月16日—youcanusetespeed.itisaTerminalnetworkspeedtestthatusesserversfromSpeedtest.net.Itusesnearesttestserverbutcanalsouse ...,2022年6月14日—Using'speedtest-cli'onLinux·1)Openanewterminalwindow(onmostLinuxdistributionsyoucandothisquicklybypressingthectrl+alt...


2021年4月20日 — Purpose. This script uses the Python module speedtest-cli for testing internet bandwidth (Download/Upload/Ping) via speedtest.net.

How to check Internet Speed via Terminal?

2012年2月16日 — you can use tespeed . it is a Terminal network speed test that uses servers from Speedtest.net . It uses nearest test server but can also use ...

How to Test Internet Speed from the Command Line on Linux

2022年6月14日 — Using 'speedtest-cli' on Linux · 1) Open a new terminal window (on most Linux distributions you can do this quickly by pressing the ctrl + alt + ...

How to Test Your Linux Internet Speed Using Speedtest CLI

2021年6月9日 — 1. To test the Download and Upload speed of your internet connection, run the speedtest-cli command without any argument as shown below. · 2. To ...

Linux 使用speedtest CLI 測試頻寬

2016年8月5日 — 之前寫過speedtest 測試頻寬比較麻煩的是,每次都要手動測試,而且沒有留下歷史紀錄,事實上,Spee…


This is an unofficial speedtest (ookla) client, written in shell script and compatible with most basic systems, including OpenWrt routers ...


Bash script to run regular speed tests using the SpeedTest CLI tool and store the results both locally and in a GitHub repo. Requirements.

Set up SpeedTest CLI to measure download speed ...

2024年1月27日 — Install SpeedTest package · Create a bash script which will be scheduled to run every 15 min, do test and log test results in a CSV file.

Speedtest CLI

Speedtest CLI brings the trusted technology and global server network behind Speedtest to the command line. Built for software developers, system administrators ...


2022年8月25日 — If I run speedtest-cli from a terminal I get the upload and download speeds fine, if I run my script file directly from the directory it outputs ...